Sunday, August 10, 2014

Environ. Sci. M.B. 2014 - UPDATE

     The scouts working on their Environmental Science merit badge met again to continue work toward this important eagle required m.b.  Mr. Rittberg led the scouts through a testing of the creek water and the creek environment at Brandywine Creek State Park.  The testing occurred at Wilson's Run which is a small creek near the main entrance to the park.  Wilson's Run drains into the Brandywine River near the bridge at Adams Dam Road. 

   The boys were successful in finding many signs that the creek is in excellent health.  At least 5 different types of fly nymphs were found.  And a small cray fish too.  Photos can be viewed here.  Many fish were seen also.  The Mayfly and the Stonefly are two species that are very sensitive and so finding them present is a good sign for this body of water.  During the chemical testing phase of the investigation, the creek passed every test in the "safe" or "excellent quality" zone of each test.  Besides a visual observation of he water, some of the tests included the following:
     dissolved O2
     Nitrogen level
     Phosphate level
     conductivity (ions)
   Mr. Rittberg's volunteer status with Stream Watch Delaware came in handy for all this testing, he had supplies & procedures from the Delaware Nature Society which the boys carefully made their scientific measurements.  For a sample of the data collected, look here

    Also while in the park, the boys did a comparitive analysis of two natural habitats.  One was an open meadow down near Wilson's Run and the other was a mature heavy forest up on top of the hill in the tulip tree woods area.  The scouts plan to meet again late this month to do a community service project for New Castle County by eliminating some invasive plant species.  Look for another update soon !

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