Thursday, July 31, 2014

Troop 67 Committee meeting

Please NOTE:
The Committee meeting originally scheduled for August 3rd has been moved to Sunday August 17th. Meeting is in the Aldersgate Rainbow Room at 6:30 p.m.

Troop 67 Committee meetings are open to parents of our scouts. New scout parents are welcome to attend and get involved.

Troop 67 is recognized again this year as a Gold level quality unit - congratulations to our boy scouts, our parent volunteers and our adult scouting leaders! This acheivement would not be possible without the efforts of parent volunteers - come out and join our award winning group.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Summer camp dinner

Hello, Troop 67 Families,

Camp is off to a great start, and I know we parents are looking forward to seeing our sons. Our Troop potluck dinner at the campsite is on Saturday, July 12. Please see the highlighted link below for the details, to RSVP and to sign up to bring something and/or help with clean up and set up. If you don't have time to make something, you can choose to give $10 to Carroll Taylor who is buying fried chicken and will buy more for anyone interested in contributing that way. Thanks and see you soon.

Kerry Doyle-Shannon
Anna Flick

Troop 67

Summer Camp Family Potluck Dinner

On Saturday, July 12 families will meet their scouts at Camp Horseshoe for a potluck dinner at the scouts' campsite, Clifton Lisle site. The Troop will provide beverages and paper products. Parents are asked to RSVP and to bring a dish to share. We will not be able to reheat or refrigerate dishes so please pack your meal accordingly for the approximately one hour drive to camp.
Dinner will follow the 5:45 p.m. campwide parade in the main flag area which families are welcome to attend, but please try to arrive no later than 4:45 p.m. To see scouts compete in the semi-annual Paul Bunyan contest, please arrive by 2:30 p.m.
We also need some parents to help with set up and clean up.
Families may leave after dinner or attend the campwide campfire after dark; if you stay for this, bring a flashlight. Please wear comfortable walking shoes, not flip flops or sandals, to walk around the camp.
If you have any questions, please contact Kerry Doyle-Shannon at or Anna Flick at Thanks and we look forward to seeing you!

DATE: 7/12/2014 (Sat 6:00PM - 7:00PM)

LOCATION: Camp Horseshoe

CREATED BY: Kerry Doyle-Shannon CONTACT