Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ski Trip 2015 - Dates are set

Attention Ski bums, Snowboarders & Cross Country Skiers !

Our annual Ski Trip to Camelback Mountain is in the planning phase.  The dates are confirmed for the weekend of January 23 to 25, 2015. 

We received official word that our host church friends have agreed to allow us to bunk on the floor again, Yeah!   And hot meals cooked in their kitchen - Double YEAH!

. . . skiing for all ability levels . . . and Snow boarding at Camelback again! If anyone is interested in cross country skiing, please speak to Mr. Rhodunda, there might be an option for that also. . . Prices for trip will be announced in November, most likely the same ballpark as last year, $86 +/- rentals.

Bob Rhodunda is trip leader again this year.  Check out photos from last year's trip here.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Updates & Announcements

     The fall scouting season is well underway now, and Troop 67 is busy, busy, busy.  Here are some updates that you should be aware of:

     Sign up for Webelos Woods!  Date is Nov. 21-23.  Sign ups are now open.  Here's the link:  Patrols should be in the planning phase now for their activity stations.  In addition to the Webelos from Pack 67 we have invited boys from some other Packs also.  We will have a lot of fun on this trip. . . and of course a turkey feast for all.  Don't miss it. 

     Backpacking Trips - yes, notice the "S" because we have two separate trips planned.  Date is Oct. 24-26.  New scouts will go local to Brandywine Creek State Park (BCSP) and experience their first backpacker with the troop.  Link to signup-genius:  Mr. Ebbott is leader, with Mr. Shannon and Mr. Tanner there too. 
     Experienced scouts will head out to Broad Creek Scout Reservation (Broad Creek) for a more robust experience in the foothills of Maryland.  Sign up for this trip here:   Mr.Stone, Mr. Cable & Mr. Pendley are your leaders on this trip. 
     A Message from your Scoutmaster Mr. Walker:
The Brandywine Creek backpacking trip is primarily for our younger scouts and is an intro to backpacking. Focus will be on Backpacking training, 2nd and 1st class requirements.  There will also be a backpacker for older scouts at another more rustic location. This trip will be designed to fulfill Camping MB requirements and the group will carry all of their gear.
The troop has several loaner backpacks so don't buy anything.
Fall is a wonderfully time of year for camping and backpacking. Don't miss this!
In Scouting,
Mr. Walker
NOTE: Any scout who is 2nd year, 3rd year, etc. and has never done a backpacking trip should speak to Mr. Walker to determine if BCSP or Broad Creek is best for you.  Another note: Mr. Ebbott may want a couple of experienced scouts to guide the new guys at BCSP so if he asks you to join that trip then be sure to sign up on the correct list!

     Oct. 20 - Troop meeting.  Besides the regular meeting plan, please make note that Mrs. Toto will be there to collect your POPCORN Take Order Forms.  The 20th is the deadline because she has to get our troop order in to council.  Time to make that final push for popcorn sales!
     Oct. 27 - PLC meeting.  Newly sworn in patrol leaders, and every scout who has a troop job should plan to attend either the PLC meeting, or a mentoring session with your assigned job mentor. Or, please make arrangements in advance with your mentor as needed. 

NOTE: with the change over to new scout jobs this is the time for everyone to think about what troop equipment or property you have borrowed  - - - Please return all troop equipment to the Quartermaster now.  This means a bugle from the bugler, any and all merit badge booklets or other books that you've borrowed from the scout closet (return to Librarian), and tents, tarps, stoves, coolers, etc.  At the last troop meeting we had a tent returned from a New River participant.  There must be more of these "late" tents still out there somewhere.  Please return the troop's property so that current and future scouts can make use of our equipment. 

Final note - Dues are now due.  If you haven't already, please make arrangements to pay scout and/or leader dues to Treasurer Mrs. Stone.  Want to know more about dues?  Check out our website: .

Friday, October 10, 2014

Oct. 2014 Court of Honor

The boy scouts, their parents and family members, and the adult leaders of Troop 67 came together on Friday October 10, 2014 for a Court of Honor.  This was the 52nd COH held by the troop. 

The festivities began with a pot luck dinner.  True to form the chefs in our troop served up lots of great food.  Salads, several different pasta dishes, stuffed shells, fried chicken, and of course the dessert table provided plenty of good choices for dinner.

After dinner the room was re-arranged for the Court of Honor.  The table was very full of badges, awards and patches!  Our scouts earned 70 merit badges since the last COH.  The biggest haul was A C who earned 6 badges including Archery.  When asked by Mr. Rittberg what was the secret of finishing archery at summer camp this year - from a partial earned last year - AC replied "growing up!"  Which is very true because that's one badge that requires enough muscle to complete the requirements.

Some highlights of the awards presentations:
    13 scouts earned the Whitewater m.b. by attending the high adventure trip to New River Gorge over the summer. 
    Many Camp Horseshoe segments were earned by our summer campers.  And the new scouts earned the 100% Patrol patch as is our tradition.
    Silver Buckle = M S  and the New Scout = P L. 
    Several scouts received special recognition for earning the National Outdoor Award, the World Conservation Award, and the 100 Nights of Camping Award. 

Rank Advancements -
    The large group of new scouts moved up to the Tenderfoot rank.

    Two of our scouts earned the rank of Star - J T and A C.
    Two scouts were awarded the rank of Life - B R and M S.

*NOTE* Full names are not being used due to the internet publishing guidelines for minors.